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Multimedia Journalism

Below are a few examples of videos, audio pieces and websites I've worked on for Working Mother and in my Cal Poly journalism and ethnic studies courses.

Solena Sewing Video

For JOUR 303 (Web Audio and Video), I shot and edited this video to display the story of a single subject using only her own voice and creative camera angles. I used a DSLR for the video and audio. This project was completed in Spring 2019.

Connor Surfing Still Shots Video

For JOUR 303 (Web Audio and Video), I shot and edited this video to display the story of a single subject using only his own voice and still shots. I used a DSLR for the video and a lavalier mic for the audio. This project was completed in Spring 2019.

Medical Marijuana Blog

For Intro to Multimedia Journalism (JOUR 285), I created a website and blog on medical marijuana in San Luis Obispo County featuring a video, a map I created of all of the dispensaries in the county, an article with embedded video, and an audio piece on medical marijuana. The blog and its contents were created in Winter 2016.

Best Companies for Dads Top 10 Video

For the Working Mother 100 Best Companies for Dads, I ideated, produced and edited the video for the Top 10 companies in October 2020 using Keynote and iMovie. The video was played at the Working Mother Media Dads Count Gala.


Note: This video was made in 1.5 days.


My SoundCloud site contains three audio journalism pieces I created for Broadcast News (JOUR 333), and one from Intro to Multimedia Journalism (JOUR 285). The projects were completed in Winter 2017.


Racial Power Website

For Intro to Ethnic Studies (ES 114), I created this website on women in the Indigenous Power Movement during Winter 2017. I specifically highlighted the issues adversely affecting women in the Indigenous community.


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